Coming up to five months so thought I would share how my iPhone 11 Pro is holding up. This time around I’ve used a case a bit more but more recently I dropped it and gone back ‘naked’…
I’m also using a glass screen protector this time, which does have scratches but no point in showing as it’s not a true reflection of how the glass has held up.
The back looks like new, no problems. Also no problems with the camera.
Bottom is also like new. Not showing any signs of wear when by the charging port.
Really hard to take a photo of this but my drop took a tiny bit of the coating off, it’s really hard to see.
I think this iPhone is more durable than the X series. In particular when comparing to the black X I had it’s held up well, especially the coating on the sides, in general use that is not drop protection.
I’m very satisfied with how it’s holding up.