Something changed for me in the last year with my writing and based on feedback I’m getting it’s for the better. When I started blogging back in 2008 I stuck to a niche (at the time it was guitars) then I moved into technology a little while later based off the back of my freelance stuff.
What I’ve found though in the last year is that I’m writing more personal (posts like this one) and not worrying about sticking to any sort of niche, just writing about what I’m passionate about or is on my mind.
I blog as a creative outlook, I make zero money off the back of this blog and I don’t see this changing with the move towards attention grabbing headlines and click bait. It’s pretty liberating not to be in that business keeping up with the latest and just write at your own pace on your own schedule.
I guess what I’m trying to say as I’m starting to ramble is if you have a personal blog just BE YOU. Write about your passions be it the latest gadget you love or the most recent movie you’ve enjoyed.
Also as I use social media less and less I think this has also had a knock on effect on my writing style. Where before I just shared everything on my Twitter account I’m now defaulting to using my blog and keeping it on my own site. It’ll be shared to social but the content stays with me.
I’d maybe start with taking say a two week break from social media and share your thoughts on your blog instead and you’ll see your traffic increase and your blog become more personal.