It’s been a couple of years since I’ve had a Switch and thought I’d share how its holding up.
Overall it’s still in great shape, it’s been taken with me on holiday and work trips and when at home lives in the dock under the TV most of the time. The screen has had a protector on it given its plastic not glass and after recently taking it off is scratch free.
From this image you can see some signs of wear, which is what I have in various places on it.
The kick stand is still intact although has fallen off a couple of times. You can also see the wear around the screw hole.
The back shows some wear exactly where your fingers sit when holding.
I’d read stories about the top plastic components breaking off or cracking, mine are completely fine.
So overall it’s in great shape, in fact it’s held up better than my Apple gear has over the last couple of years.
I love this device and hoping Nintendo are bringing us a Mark II with a glass screen and some more performance to allow for more high end ports, such as Star Wars Battlefront II and maybe bigger joy con options but I’ll keep these thoughts for another day.