Although I’m not setting the world alight with my content I’ve seen a steady increase in traffic since launching the new site on Wordpress. I’m not talking hundreds of thousands but I’m in the tens of thousands now, which I’m pleased with. I’ve not marketed at all really just put out content that I’ve wanted to share.
So, my top post:
This won by a considerable margin and shows writing how to’s for small creators is a good way to bring some traffic your way.
Next up the top ten countries that visit my site.
Not a surprise given I’m based in the UK and write mainly about technology. I’m surprised that Switzerland made it in there, thanks to whoever is visiting my site from there.
Lastly here are my top referrers.
Surprise for me is seeing a lot of readers coming from other Wordpress users. I have a steady number of them being added every week and something I didn’t expect. If you have a Wordpress site consider using the reader to follow sites within the app.
So, good to see an upward trend on my viewers and hopefully blogging makes a comeback in this age of toxic social media.
Thanks to everyone that’s contributed to these stats this year.