Things 3 is a great looking app that had lots of potential for me but after trying multiple times I’ve stopped trying to fit it in with my workflow.
The bad
- I experienced missing notifications. I'd set a reminder and it wouldn't show so I'd forget to do my task, my number one show stopper
- It annoyed me that the task name would be cut off with '...' if it was too long
- Setting repeating and reminders is too many taps
- No dark mode
- Slow to load the app (for me on an XS)
The good
- One of the best watch apps available. Quick sync and looks great.
- Integrated Calendar view
- Relaxed formatting on project view
When dark mode comes along with iOS 13 I’ll take another look but for now my quest continues. I’m going into Omnifocus next and I’ll report back.
Do you use Things?